What is the Cost of Professional Bat Removal?

We know what you’re thinking—you’ve got bats in your attic, and you want them out. But before you call a professional bat removal company, make sure you understand the cost involved.

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More Things To Know About What is the Cost of Professional Bat Removal

Don’t get caught off guard by surprise fees. Make sure you know exactly what you’re paying for.

Save yourself from unnecessary charges and find out how much it costs to remove bats from your home.

Find out how much it costs for professional bat removal right now!

Bat Removal Cost Breakdown

The cost of bat removal varies widely depending on where you live, how much damage there is, and what type of bats are involved. A typical bat control estimate ranges from $100-$300 per home. Bat removal costs include inspections, labor, and materials, although some companies offer free estimates. Some companies charge a flat fee that includes everything, while others charge hourly rates.

Most professional bat removal companies use exclusion techniques rather than extermination. Exclusion is less expensive than extermination but requires patience and persistence.

Does the Colony Size Affect the Cost?

The cost of getting rid of bats varies depending on how large the colony is. In general, larger colonies cost more because there are more individuals to deal with. This includes the cost of hiring someone to come out and inspect the property. Smaller colonies can often be removed without much work. However, larger colonies require professional help.

Does the Location and Accessibility of the Bat Infestation Affect the Cost?

Bat infestations can occur anywhere, including homes, businesses, schools, hospitals, churches, and even hotels. Bats can enter buildings through cracks around windows, doors, vents, and air conditioning units. They can also enter through holes in roofs, attics, and ceilings. Once inside, they can travel throughout the building via natural openings such as chimneys, ductwork, and electrical outlets.

If the home has been vacant for some time, it is possible that the bats are no longer living there. However, if the home is occupied, it is likely that they are still present. While most bat species do not pose a health risk, rabies can be fatal. To prevent the spread of disease, contact a professional pest control provider immediately.

Does Clean-Up and Removal Cost Separately?

The cost of cleaning varies depending on several factors, including the size of the property, the number of colonies present, how long the problem has been occurring, and whether there are any dead animals inside the residence.

What Factors Influence the Cost of Bat Removal?

The cost of bat removal depends on many different variables. For example, you might pay $50 per hour for a licensed professional to come out and inspect your house. Or, you could hire a contractor to do it yourself. You could even try calling around for quotes. 

But there are other things to consider too. What about the size of the attic? Is it accessible? How big is the area where bats live? Are there cracks or holes in the ceiling? 

These questions help determine how much work needs to be done. And what about the type of material used to seal up those openings?

Does the Method Matter in Cost?

Professional pest control services typically only provide bat exclusion and prevention, sometimes referred to as bat abatement. This involves sealing openings into the attic or basement, installing mesh screens over windows and doors, and even hanging curtains to block out light. These methods work well for preventing bats from entering homes, but they don’t address the issue of bats exiting homes.

How Much Can Damage Repair Cost?

The average attic renovation project runs about $3,000-$5,000. But what happens when you add bats? Bats are no joke. They can cause significant structural damage to homes, including holes in roofs, cracks in walls, and even broken windows. If you live in an area where there are bat colonies, it’s important to know how to repair the damage. Here are some tips to help you keep your home safe from bats.

Does Guano Removal Have Additional Cost?

Bat droppings are officially called “guano,” and they actually pose a pretty serious health risk. They contain bacteria and fungi that can infect humans, causing a disease known as histoplasmosis. This infection spreads via airborne particles of a fungus that live on the droppings, making it crucial to have a professional remove the guano. Depending on the severity of your infestation, the cost of guano removal ranges from about $600 to $8500.

Talk to your bat removal specialist beforehand, because they might recommend waiting a few weeks (even months) to see if you’ve successfully excluded your bats. If you don’t see much evidence of droppings, there isn’t likely to be a lot of guano to remove.

What is Bat Guano?

A. Bat guano is a different term used for bat droppings. They’re small and can appear similar in size and shape to rodent droppings. However, don’t be fooled. You might think it looks like mouse droppings, but it isn’t.

If you shine a flashlight on them after breaking them apart, you’ll notice they sparkle or twinkle under the light. This is because guano contains calcium carbonate crystals.

Is Guano Hazardous to Humans?

Guano is a type of bird excrement found in caves and attics. It contains nutrients essential to life, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, and selenium. However, there are some risks associated with guano. For example, it may contain spores of fungi that cause histoplasmosis, a disease that affects the lungs. Histoplasma capsulatum is a fungus that grows best in humid environments, like those found in attics, basements, and cellars.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that anyone who works in attics or basements wear appropriate personal protection gear, including respirators, dust masks, goggles, and rubber boots. If you live in an area where bats roost, you may want to consider hiring a professional pest control operator to rid your home of the pests.

Original post here: What is the Cost of Professional Bat Removal?


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